Really great job, guys. You hit a crucial nail on the head (or really got the nail in the coffin?) by highlighting the importance of the "blanket no" language that allows a Simon-Cowell-style buzzer across the entire Sched I/II board. (File under: "Weightiest Copy+Paste Option Ever")

"Neat" ancillary fact: The IRS has also subpoenaed state seed-to-sale records to "mega-prove" audit determinations -- apparently the legal burden on the taxpayer to show that it was not in fact doing the exact thing it was doing was a bit too threatening. (But, in the meantime, it's good to know that the stuff that you're required to submit to the state for your activity to be lawful there also serves as a handy federal spare tire. FUN!)

This obviously took a lot, lot, lot of time to do, and thank you for doing it. Amazing job.

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I'm one of those two still reading. That Iowaska Church is in the same town I live in, Des Moines, Iowa, so I've been following that case as has been the local media. As for Shane's comments, I look forward to hearing from Secretary Becerra on this topic. I enjoyed all of Matt's comments, so keep doing it!

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Ohoh, " friend of On Drugs, Ronan Levy" 🤣

But man, another awesome breakdown and great analogy with building in the swamps, I guess it's like building without dykes here in Holland

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