Thank you Matt (and Shane) for your commitment to these critical issues. Matt an extra special kudos for your FOIA suit. Really shines a light on an agency (a law enforcement agency at that) that continues to disregard and break laws, seemingly, in a “business as usual” fashion. Grateful for you!!

(Oh and one thing I’d like to add, in regard to the AIMS II FOIA request, beyond the fact they are clearly out of statutory bounds, is the truth that the agency wanted to charge the legal team upwards of $20,000 to fulfill the request. It’s crazy town antics!! Ok, rant over.)

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I am a veteran. I recently had my first experience with psilocybin. I was well prepared, well guided (prepatory sessions, monitored journeys, intgrattion sessions, safe and reassuring set and setting). It was life changing. Do I want to do it again? Yes. Will I abuse the drug? No way. It wasn't euphoric, it wasn't "fun". It was hard, grueling, revealing, ecstatic, enlightening. It was the most significant thing I have done in my life. Veterans and others with certain mental health issues can benefit greatly. In a realm where the last "new" drugs (SSRIs) came about decades ago and require (often) lifelong prescriptions, psilocybin shows significant potential. I experienced it in two sessions. Thank you for your work.

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