I'm a fan of the Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse, 1972, applying it to plants and fungi in Schedule I.

Possession of marihuana for personal use would no longer be an offense, but marihuana possessed in public would remain contraband subject to summary seizure and forfeiture. Casual distribution of small amounts of marihuana for no remuneration, or insignificant remuneration not involving profit would no longer be an offense.

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Umm why fret all these details. Just legalize it all. No fines for any amount. Smh.

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"50mg of LSD"

should be 50mcg--micrograms, not milligrams.

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I appreciate the detailed explorations in this piece. I am confused about your intentions here. The title includes the word “Decriminalization,” yet this is entirely devoted to methods for defining quantity based criminal penalties for possession. Rescheduling is closer to what you’ve written about. Decrim is just that - striking the matter from the lawbooks.

That’s what we have in Colorado - decriminalization of personal use with no weight limits - and the resulting crime wave is notable. In the years prior to Prop 122 arrests for psychedelic possession (not co-mingled with illegal guns, opiates, prescriptions, etc) were in the high single digits across the state. In the year since decriminalization arrests are still in the single digits. Single digits. Fewer than ten per year, unchanged. Quite notable.

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